Today I took Braden to the Dentist.
He's been before for a routine check, and it went amazing. He sat still, he was polite and quiet... today was a whole different story.
We went in because he has a tooth that's a problem. A tooth that needed some serious attention and was beyond our help at home. Braden had never complained about it, it never seemed to hurt him, however it was obvious that it wasn't healthy.
The first part was taking the "picture". He didn't want the X-ray clamp thing anywhere near his mouth. Finally, as I helped, the dentist held his cheeks and forced it. This caused us to only be able to look at the one tooth instead of getting a good look at his whole mouth.
Then came the REAL fun part. The chair... dun dun dun. At first he was OK. We were able to talk him through everything. But the longer his mouth was forced open, and the longer "Mr. Slurpy" had to do the swallowing for him, the more anxious he got. It got so bad that I had to pin him down and hold his hands. He was so squirmy the assitant had to get harsh and inforce the rules . "You're going to hurt yourself!" she said at one point.
I know he wasn't in pain, he was just so afraid of not knowing what was going on and why this was happening to him.
Afterwards he calmed down and I was able to focus on Dylan who had emptied an entire bag of crackers on the floor and instead was eating my lipstick.
Oh the joys of motherhood!